From a Champion to a ROLE MODEL.
From Visibility to Admiration.
A Star, while being at Service.
Sport goes way beyond excelling at playing. It requires dealing with difficult emotions, challenges, personal and professional relationships, power struggles, and financial pressures. All of these are not technical knowledge, but PSYCHOLOGICAL abilities.
We can assist you to master them.
“Ultimately, you are always playing with or against yourself.”
Selima Sfar
Powerful emotions, personal and professional relationships, power struggles, financial pressures, and alike, are all challenges of the mind. Therefore, dealing with them effectively requires developing abilities of the mind.
Developing INTERNAL abilities will improve your performance, and consequently change your whole EXTERNAL reality: your current relationships will change and adapt to the new you; new relationships will form to match the newly developed parts of you; situations in your life will adapt to reflect the new you, and new opportunities will arise, paving the way to the next level of your life. Your behavior changes (internally), but, more importantly, life changes its behavior (externally) towards you.
Unus Mundus provides a clear understanding of the human mind, draws comprehensive maps of your mind, and develops tools to trigger lasting transformation. This takes place through talks and workshops designed for companies and institutions interested in providing exceptional services to their athletes, as well as through sessions tailored to individuals who want to become hyper-aware and hyper-powerful.
The worldview and techniques offered by Unus Mundus are originated from the Paradigm of Sense© and our associates.
Our Services
Unus Mundus for Institutions and Teams: Developing ICONIC PERFORMERS
When lacking creativity and innovation, athletes will simply do as they are told, and, as a result, watching certain sports can become predictable and boring. Unus Mundus opens the path to ICONIC ATHLETES: Impactful, Powerful, Inspirational and Inspired, Admired, Charismatic and even Controversial professionals. In other words, technical athletes become sport performers capable of attracting new levels of public interest, media and investment.
The leap from a high performance to a genius performance is not only possible in sport techniques. Psychological limitations can hold you back in any profession and career. Learn how to unlock the full potential of your mind, freeing the way for your excellency to thrive and for more public admiration.